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Research and News

Reaction Time in Baseball: A Key Indicator of Potential

As discussed in “Why Does Reaction Time and Decision Time Matter in the Sport of Baseball?” (insert link), reaction time is a fundamental component of a player’s neurophysiology that remains intrinsic, regardless of training efforts. Despite this, reaction time scores derived from the Pison readiness test provide valuable insights for players, families, coaches, and scouts in evaluating a player's future potential in baseball.


Breathe Better: Respiratory Rate and What It Entails

Respiratory rate, simply put, is the number of breaths you take per minute. For most healthy adults, this rate typically falls between 12 and 20 breaths per minute at rest. But respiratory rate isn't just about counting breaths—it's a vital indicator of your overall health. Changes in your respiratory rate can signal underlying health issues, making it an invaluable metric to monitor regularly.

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