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Unlock peak performance with Pison wearable tech

With a Pison-powered wearable and mental performance app you can expertly monitor and manage your cognitive state. By elevating your mental game, you’ll harmonize your mind and body fitness to perform better at the office and on the playing field. Whether you’re a knowledge worker, surgeon, pilot or professional athlete, Pison mental performance tracking will unleash your neurophysiological potential so you can reach beyond your peak.

Recharge through better sleep

Mental rejuvenation

The one-of-a-kind Pison neural sensor helps you take sleep tracking to another level by expanding the focus from just your physical recovery to complete mental rejuvenation.

Unlike conventional smartwatches and fitness trackers that estimate sleep stages through heart patterns, we directly track your brain’s activity to accurately detect if and when you enter deep, restorative sleep. In this phase both your mind and body repair, recharge, and prepare for peak performance.

Guarding against chronic fatigue

Pison neural sensors also measure both acute fatigue from restless nights and fatigue that accumulates over days of intense mental effort. By understanding your level of “sleep debt,” you can better mitigate and manage the risk of chronic fatigue which is critical in professions where mental acuity and alertness are non-negotiable.

Pison PERFORM: Complete mind-body fitness

Achieve new levels of mental
and physical fitness

Cognitive Performance
Anxiety and Stress Management
Sleep Tracking
Fatigue Management
Cardiac Health
Physical Fitness

Pison PERFORM is your complete mind and body fitness solution with groundbreaking capabilities to monitor and help manage your mental state. Whether you’re a student, surgeon, pilot, or professional athlete, Pison PERFORM unleashes your potential, empowering you to achieve peak performance both at work and play.

Related Resources

Video: All Out Speed

NASCAR’s Anthony Alfredo discusses mental edge he gains from Pison

White paper: The New Paradigm for Managing Workforce Safety

Learn how a psychomotor vigilance test (PVT) can reveal impairments from fatigue, stress, and other factors

White paper: Three Critical Scores for Improving Cognitive Performance

In this white paper, we examine the importance of monitoring reaction time as well as the types of testing and their benefits.

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