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Improve your cognitive performance with Pison

Pison-powered wearables gives you the information you need to monitor and track important cognitive performance metrics, including Readiness, Mental Agility, and Focus. Every improvement plan starts with a measurement of your initial baseline data and requires consistent monitoring to track results.

Cognitive scores can be affected by a diverse number of factors, including training regimes, diet/hydration, fatigue/sleep patterns, time of day/circadian rhythm, injury (including head trauma), and lifestyle choices such as drug or alcohol use. Pison wearables and memberships give you a convenient and accurate way to measure your cognitive performance metrics and monitor your performance over time.

Many Pison users measure these performance metrics on a daily basis and record information in the Notes section of each test regarding recent training sessions, lifestyle choices, sleep, and diet that could have had an effect on the cognitive scores. You can use that information to adjust your training and preparation to maximize and improve your performance.

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