Cognitive performance measurements
The revolutionary Pison neural sensor reveals your cognitive abilities and cognitive state, such as how quickly you sense and respond to situations. It is the only wearable that measures and improves your mental game.
Pison READY helps you monitor three key cognitive measures:
- Readiness – Our 20-second reaction time test gives you a current indication of your ability to mentally perform. It can reveal impairment from fatigue, head injury, diet and disease. Watch video.
- Mental Agility – Our one-minute “go/no-go” reaction test indicates how quickly you process information, make decisions, and react. In competitive sports or high-stress professional scenarios, Mental Agility is crucial to success. Watch video.
- Focus – Our three-minute psychomotor vigilance test (PVT) is the gold standard for cognitive evaluations, including fatigue testing. PVT is a reliable indicator of your ability to maintain attention. Watch video.
Read more about the importance of reaction time.