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Effect of concussion on clinically measured reaction time in nine NCAA Division I collegiate athletes: a preliminary study

James T. Eckner, Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, University of Michigan; et. al.
March 12, 2011
#brain-injury #concussion #football #soccer #wrestling #reaction-time #cognitive-performance #athletics

Published: PM&R, The Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, March 12, 2011

Sport related concussion is a common and serious injury. Recent estimates from the CDC are that approximately1.6 to 3.8 million sport associated traumatic brain injuries (TBI’s) occur annually in the United States, with the vast majority classified as mild TBI, or concussion [1]. Epidemiological studies have shown that concussion accounts for 5-10% of all injuries associated with organized sport participation at the high school and collegiate levels [2, 3]. Concussions were once considered minor injuries that an athlete could play through without consequence. However, an explosion in the number and quality of concussion research articles published in the scientific literature over the past 20 years coupled with a great deal of recent attention in the popular press have largely changed this attitude. Traumatic brain injury and the issue of determining the readiness of a concussed athlete to return to sport participation are now considered major public health issues [4, 5]. The appropriate diagnosis and management of concussed athletes remains of primary importance in minimizing the short-term effects of injury on an athlete and preventing poor outcomes that can result from premature return to sport participation. In addition, there has recently been increasing attention focused on the potential long term effects repeat or mismanaged concussions can have on athletes later in life [6-8].

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