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Local Startup Builds Innovative Upgrades To Smart Watch Technology

January 26, 2025

Photo: Chaiel Schaffel/WBZ NewsRadio

BOSTON (WBZ NewsRadio) — A biotech startup in Boston is making an even smarter generation of smart watches: instead of just reading footsteps or your heartbeat, these ones are taking aim at the brain.

Pison Technology Chairperson and Co-Founder Dexter Ang told WBZ NewsRadio that there hasn’t been much innovation in smart watch technology in a decade, and their company is trying to change that.

“There’s an entire half of our being that relates to our brain, and the trend of it…over time,” that isn’t being measured right now. They’re introducing a brand-new sensor on the market which they say opens up the hood on your cognitive functions.

The watches, made under a partnership with the watch brand Timex, measure neural activity and connect to an app to spit out a trove of data on the wearer’s brain. Some of the promised elements include quantifiable metrics for stress, fatigue, and focus.

Pison says the watches can tell a user what time they’re naturally most awake and productive during the workday, which is when that user should plan their most intense work.

“[It] puts themselves in a better position to make good decisions when they’re entering into what we would call a ‘power hour’,” Ang said.

The upside of the watches is that they look for patterns of your daily life that you might not even be aware of.

“For example, I have peak performances at 3 p.m.,” Chief of Technology David Cipoletta said. “That’s when I do all my most important work.”

Other applications include pro sports: Pison has a wing dedicated to helping professional baseball players improve the mental elements of their game, like decision-making and reaction time. Cipoletta said the tech here could also help with diagnosing mental decline in patients long before it would be noticeable, and maybe preventable.

“When you go to the doctor with neurological diseases, it’s already too late,” he said.

Ang said they are already planning to add other functions to the watches, like using gestures to control your phone and other electronics.

WBZ NewsRadio’s Chaiel Schaffel (@CschaffelWBZ) reports.

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