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Pison’s ENG sensors can detect changes in individuals’ neuromuscular activity as a function of emotional distress and cognitive load, as well as how these changes relate to their baseline cognitive capacity and anxiety level.

Keith A. Hutchison, Ph.D.

Professor, Department of Psychology, Montana State University

Pison neural sensing technology

Unlock cognitive potential with Pison

Unlike conventional smartwatches and wearables that focus exclusively on physical stress, devices powered by Pison can unleash the untapped potential of your mind and nervous system.

These neurological insights help you identify and manage all physiological and emotional influences that affect your ability to achieve an optimal cognitive state – where you are alert, clear thinking and productive.

With Pison-infused wearables and apps you’ll consistently reach and extend your most productive cognitive state to excel at work, play or home.

Manage your stress and anxiety

Discover your personal anxiety model

Everyone wants to function at their best, but severe stress and anxiety can be completely debilitating. For many, even mild stress and anxiety can significantly hurt performance on the field or in the office. Pison helps you achieve your best cognitive performance by monitoring your mental state and revealing your personal neurophysiological anxiety model, including when you are most and least effective.

Raise productivity with real-time recommendations

Pison helps you stay “in the zone” by recommending how and when to relieve stress. Take action before you go beyond the boundaries of your personal productivity and become overloaded.

Pison PERFORM: Stay in the zone

Tame stress and anxiety and
increase productivity

Cognitive Performance
Anxiety and Stress Management
Sleep Tracking
Fatigue Management
Cardiac Health
Physical Fitness

PERFORM is your complete mind and body fitness solution with groundbreaking capabilities to monitor and help manage your mental state.  Our devices unleash your potential – whether you’re a student, surgeon, pilot, or professional athlete. Reach peak performance and beyond at both work and play.

Related resources

Video: All Out Speed

NASCAR’s Anthony Alfredo discusses the mental edge he gains from Pison

White paper: Three Critical Scores for Improving Cognitive Performance

In this white paper, we examine the importance of monitoring reaction time as well as the types of testing and their benefits.

White paper: The New Paradigm for Managing Workforce Safety

Learn how the psychomotor vigilance test (PVT) can identify individuals affected by fatigue, stress, and other factors

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